sorry it's another litestep thing
I need help.
I followed the tutorial by big daddy on ls universe to make a ls skin, but the systray will only show one icon at a time. i modded it a bit after.
here is the theme.rc file
; Basic theme from big daddy's tutorial
OTSMajorVersion "2"
OTSMinorVersion "0"
ThemeName "tutorial"
ThemeAuthor "Tominated"
ConfigDir "$ThemeDir$config\"
include "$ConfigDir$popuptheme.rc"
*NetLoadModule lscolor-1.6.1
*NetLoadModule jdesk-0.73
*NetLoadModule dynamp-0.50
*NetLoadModule menu-0.82
*NetLoadModule vtray-1.06
*NetLoadModule taskbar3-0.303
*NetLoadModule xlabel-3.3.7 load xlabel-3.3.7.dll
jDeskWorkArea "4,52, -4, -4"
jDeskDesktopFolder $desktop$
jDeskRecycleOnRezChange true
MenuPrefix popup
PopupAutoColumn true
PopupNoTitles true
TaskbarPositioning true
TaskbarX 24
TaskbarY 0
TaskbarWidth $resolution
TaskbarHeight 48
TaskbarLines 2
TaskbarFont "lucida sans unicode"
TaskbarFontHeight 15
TaskbarHorizontalTextAlign .center
TaskbarVerticalTextAlign .center
TaskbarSpacing 2
TaskbarTButtonL .right
TaskbarButtonDirection .right
TaskbarMSColors true
AllLabelsFont "lucida sans unicode"
AllLabelsFontHeight 15
AllLabelsTransparencyMode false
*Label ControlLabel
ControlLabelX 0
ControlLabelY 0
ControlLabelWidth 24
ControlLabelHeight 24
ControlLabelJustify center
ControlLabelText "CP"
ControlLabelTooltip "LSCP/Display"
ControlLabelOnLeftClick !lscp
ControlLabelOnRightClick !Execute [control.exe desk.cpl]
*Label MenuLabel
MenuLabelX 0
MenuLabelY 24
MenuLabelWidth 24
MenuLabelHeight 24
MenuLabelJustify center
MenuLabelText "M"
MenuLabelTooltip "Menu/Hide Tray"
MenuLabelOnLeftClick !popup
MenuLabelOnRightClick !VtrayHide !LabelHide (VtrayLabel)
MenuLabelOnMiddleClick !VtrayShow !LabelShow (VtrayLabel)
*Label TimeLabel
TimeLabelX -100
TimeLabelY 0
TimeLabelWidth 100
TimeLabelHeight 48
TimeLabelJustify center
TimeLabelText "[time('h:nn:ss')] [date('ddd mmm d yy')]"
TimeLabelTooltip "Time & Date"
TimeLabelScroll true
TimeLabelScrollInterval 30
TimeLabelScrollSpeed 1
TimeLabelLeftBorder 3
TimeLabelRightBorder 3
TimeLabelOnLeftDoubleClick !Execute [control.exe timedate.cpl]
*Label MusicInfoLabel
MusicInfoLabelX -300
MusicInfoLabelY 0
MusicInfoLabelHeight 24
MusicInfoLabelWidth 200
MusicInfoLabelLeftBorder 5
MusicInfoLabelRightBorder 5
MusicInfoLabeljustify center
MusicInfoLabelText "[winampStatus]: [winampSong]"
MusicInfoLabelScroll left
MusicInfoLabelScrollSpeed 2
MusicInfoLabelVertAlign center
MusicInfoLabelOnEnter !LabelSetText MusicInfoLabel "elapsed [winampTime] / remains [winampRemainTime]"
MusicInfoLabelOnLeave !LabelSetText MusicInfoLabel "[winampStatus]: [winampSong]"
MusicInfoLabelOnLeftDoubleClick !amp_show
*Label PrevLabel
PrevLabelX -300
PrevLabelY 24
PrevLabelHeight 24
PrevLabelWidth 40
PrevLabelText "<<"
PrevLabelTooltip "Prev"
PrevLabelOnLeftClick !amp_prev
*Label PlayLabel
PlayLabelX -260
PlayLabelY 24
PlayLabelHeight 24
PlayLabelWidth 40
PlayLabelText "|>"
PlayLabelTooltip "Play"
PlayLabelOnLeftClick !amp_play
*Label PauseLabel
PauseLabelX -220
PauseLabelY 24
PauseLabelHeight 24
PauseLabelWidth 40
PauseLabelText "||"
PauseLabelTooltip "Pause / Stop"
PauseLabelOnLeftClick !amp_pause
PauseLabelOnRightClick !amp_stop
*Label NextLabel
NextLabelX -180
NextLabelY 24
NextLabelHeight 24
NextLabelWidth 40
NextLabelText ">>"
NextLabelTooltip "Next"
NextLabelOnLeftClick !amp_next
*Label VolumeUpLabel
VolumeUpLabelX -140
VolumeUpLabelY 24
VolumeUpLabelHeight 24
VolumeUpLabelWidth 20
VolumeUpLabelText "up"
VolumeUpLabelTooltip "Volume Up"
VolumeUpLabelOnLeftClick !amp_volumeup
VolumeUpLabelOnWheelUp !amp_volumeup
*Label VolumeDownLabel
VolumeDownLabelX -120
VolumeDownLabelY 24
VolumeDownLabelHeight 24
VolumeDownLabelWidth 20
VolumeDownLabelText "dn"
VolumeDownLabelTooltip "Volume Down"
VolumeDownLabelOnLeftClick !amp_volumedown
VolumeDownLabelOnWheelDown !amp_volumedown
*Label VtrayLabel
VtrayLabelAlwaysOnTop true
VtrayLabelHeight 24
VtrayLabelWidth 24
VtrayLabelX 24
VtrayLabelY 48
VtrayLabelLeftBorder 4
VtrayLabelRightBorder 4
VtrayLabelMoveModifierKey "ctrl"
*VtrayLabelModuleHook !VtrayHook
VtrayX 2
VtrayY 2
VtrayIconSize 16
VtrayDirection right
VtrayAutoSize true
VtrayHeight 18
VtrayWidth 24
VtrayBGColor $3dFace$
VtrayBorderColor & $3dFace$
VtrayIconSpacingX 3
VtrayIconSpacingY 0
VtrayBorderLeft 4
VtrayBorderRight 4
VtrayBorderTop 3
VtrayBorderBottom 0
VtrayOnAdd !LabelGrow VtrayLabel $VtrayIconSize+VtrayIconSpacingX$ 0
VtrayOnDel !LabelShrink VtrayLabel $VtrayIconSize+VtrayIconSpacingX$ 0